I love Sunday! I love the body of Christ, the church! I love worship! I love the preaching of God's word! One of the blessings, for me, during this COVID-19 world we are living in right now, even though I miss worshipping with my church family deeply, is I have the opportunity to visit many churches I always wanted to virtually. Some of you may even be thinking, "that's not really visiting." Your right. So let me tell you what's important to me when visiting a church. Whether virtually or in person. At this point I want to say that I realize that my personal preferences are not God's. They are mine. So let me share what my preferences are. I love the preaching of God's truth! I'm not talking about a one man/woman show. I'm talking about the proclamation of the unadulterated word of God. No filters . No taming of the text . So when I post a picture with the #SundaysBest (#IMHO) tag, I'm pointing you to a ministry of a church/pastor that I belie...