I Love You Mom

This morning I had the pleasure of worshipping with a few different communities of faith. That's one of the silver linings of this "shelter in place" time. Maybe you've even noticed that the past few weeks I've posted quotes from some of the messages I've heard with the #SundaysBest tag. Of course, IMHO.

This morning I heard something that I thought was absolutely beautiful from Jamell Meeks, the First Lady of Salem Baptist Church of Chicago. It was during today's special Mother's Day service at my church, the First Baptist Church of Glenarden. She said,
The children want you to be present more than they want you to be perfect.
 This past Wednesday, my mother went home to be home with the Lord. And one of the images that has brought me comfort is this picture of my parents entering a military ball. This image is how I picture my parents now in heaven as they enter God's throne room together.

There's another thing that brings me comfort. It's what First Lady Meeks said. My mother was always present. She was present during our mornings, pushing us out the door to school. She was present during our performances and games. She was present at home preparing dinner. Sometimes she was even present in our classrooms as our substitute teacher. As you can imagine, that went over well with our friends. She was present when I got my first black eye. She was present when I jumped out of the swing and landed wrong, knocking the wind out of my body. She was there for our children as a grand mother. She was always present.

I would like to thank my mother for always being present for my sisters, our children, my wife and for my friends. And because you were present, you were perfect. I love you and will think of you everyday.

Your son


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